Love in Literature

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chocolate Covered Strawberries and a Baby Boy!

As a fun Mother's Day treat, we decided to make our own chocolate covered strawberries! Originally I thought it might be rather difficult and time-consuming, but it ended up only taking about 2 hours from start to finish and was fun for us to do. We used almond bark, heavy whipping cream, and a little butter for the dipping chocolate. For the decoration, we used Betty Crocker brownie toppers--cream cheese and dark chocolate. If you warm them up in the microwave, put them in a sealed sandwich bag, and cut a tiny triangle off of the corner, it's perfect for decorating.
In other news, we had our 20 week ultrasound last Friday and found out we are having a boy! We're thinking about names, so if you have any ideas you'd like to share, we're open to them. I am so excited to have a little baby boy in our lives--it will be a grand adventure!


  1. I have an idea. how about felix?

  2. I don't have a sincere name at the moment but I was laughing at the order in which you posted the 2 items of information in this post.

  3. Andrew, Bryan, Curtis, Dennis, Edward, Fredrick, George, Howard, Isaac, John, Kevin, Lavern, Michael, Nathan, Oliver, Percy, Quintin, Robert, Samuel, Thomas, Ulysses, Vincent, William, Xavier, Yahoo, Zachary, Anthony, Bartholemew, Curtis, David, Joseph, Arthur, Albert, Olaf, Nephi, Samuel, Richard, James, Matthew, Stephen, Marcus, Jacob, Peter, Doyle, Spencer, Christian, Gordon, Ezra, Howard, Brigham, Ernest, Claude, Aroet, Taylor, Porter, Rockwell, Justus, Isaac, Abraham, Adam, Benjamin, Franklin, Jefferson, Jackson, Aaron, Anthony, Bryan, Curtis, Heber, Jay, Grant, Lorenzo, Nathan, Orion, Quinton, Russell, Sydney, Ulysses, Vincent, Zacharius, Zeus,

    Just a few thoughts re: names for the little one. Look em over and tell me what you think. I would hope that you would look over family names from the different sides of the family. I've included some (among some other random names).

    I love you guys, and am very excited to get acquainted with your baby.

    Dad (AKA grandpa)
